Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Autumn 2008

Welcome to our autumn photo essay. As the late comedian George Carlin noted in his brilliant routine on baseball vs. football, the fall "is when everything is dying." Accordingly, not much is visible in our garden, our primary effort being the planting of bulbs for the spring. Early in the fall, however, we enjoyed the thriving look of our morning glories...

In more recent weeks, we've planted some pansies.

The pansies shown above appear to be of the Delta True Blue variety. According to this document, "Pansies and their viola cousins have become the most popular cool weather annuals over the years... Now everyday gardeners load up on pansies and violas to bring a much needed color burst to their gardens during the dreary cold weather months."

[This entry was edited at a later date.]

Friday, July 4, 2008

Summer 2008

Here are some photos to inaugurate our new blog! We'd like to share our love of gardening and create a forum for practical tips and lessons learned. We'll also talk about gardening books. In our own gardens, we aim to grow plants that produce abundant flowers, need as little water as possible, and are self-perpetuating (either perennials or reseeding annuals).

The above plant is known variously as a Texas Ranger, Texas Sage, or Silverleaf.

These last two pictures are of a trumpet vine.

The taller plant with the predominantly yellow flowers is known as Gaillardia "Oranges and Lemons" (not a Sundancer Daisy as one of our less-experienced contributors initially thought).

The bigger, white-and-yellow flowers appear to be "Becky Daisies," also known as "Shasta Daisies" or ""Becky Shasta" daisies. In fact, they are likely to be this particular variety of the Shasta Daisy.

Finally, this section of the garden contains a variety of plants.